John Teh David Heilpern Mick Palmer

Driving and Law around Medical Cannabis

A Talk by Dr John Teh , Mick Palmer and David Heilpern

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About this Talk

Mick Palmer and David Halpern chat to Dr Teh about the current laws around medical cannabis and driving and if government funding could be better used changing the drug driving laws around medical cannabis.

14 November 2020, 07:10 AM

07:10 AM - 07:40 AM

About The Speakers

John Teh

Dr John Teh

Medical Director, PlantMed

Dr John Teh Medical Director and Educator of PlantMed Medical Cannabis Clinic has been working within the Medicinal Cannabis industry since the legalisation of cannabis for medicinal use in Australia in February 2016.

Mick Palmer

Mick Palmer

Former Australian Federal Police Commissioner

Michael John (Mick) Palmer AO, APM is a barrister and 33-year career police officer with extensive experience in police leadership and corporate governance, reform in community, national and international policing, and security.

David Heilpern

David Heilpern

Australian lawyer and author

“In my view, the biggest threat to the medicinal cannabis field are the drug driving laws. Unless you take only pure CBD oil then you cannot drive. Full stop. That will effectively limit the number of patients significantly. The medicinal cannabis industry and medical profession has been extraordinarily silent on this issue, and I really cannot understand why. At the very least, there needs to be an exemption for those with a prescription.“